‘The Manifest Sons of God’/’Joel’s Army’/’Later Rain Movement’ Exposed-Part 3
‘The Manifest Sons of God’/’Joel’s Army’/’Later Rain Movement’ Exposed-Part 3
‘The Manifest Sons of God'(MSOG) movement has many names such as, The Latter Rain Movement, Identity, Joel’s Army, Restoration and Reconstruction. MSOG doctrine has been around in some Pentecostal circles for many years, but it was the ‘Latter Rain Movement’ of 1948 that gave it a wider audience. This movement was thought by its adherents as the last great spiritual outpouring that would see the return of Christ. It would result in the Church being perfected and submitting to the restored ministry of apostles and prophets. These ministries would supposedly be in charge of restoring truths that were lost to the Church. But when we examine the fruit of this movement and see how it’s doctrine compares to the Word of God, it falls woefully short. ‘The Great Tribulation itself is going to be cut short because of the Sons of God… so the Sons of God, through the exercise of their royal priesthood, shall actually shorten the Great Tribulation… As priests, they will be able to present the needs of the people to God, and intercede for them; and as kings they will have the authority of God to dispense life and blessing to such as are in tribulation and distress.’ – George Warnock: The Feast of the Tabernacles, p.79. ‘Who are you?…Come on, say it: ‘Sons of God!’ Come on, say it!…And when we stand up here, brother, you’re not looking at Morris Cerullo; you’re looking at God. You’re looking at Jesus.’ – Morris Cerullo, The Endtime Manifestation of the Sons of God, World Evangelism – Tape 1 ‘Man was created on terms of equality with God, and he could stand in God’s presence without any consciousness of inferiority…Kenneth Copeland, Zoe: The God-Kind of Life, 1989, pp.35-36
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