Bentley’s Kundalini Calling to Open the Stargates for Satan-Part 3

Bentley’s Kundalini Calling to Open the Stargates for Satan-Part 3
6/29/2008 & 7/13/2008

On 6/23/08 C. Peter Wagner brought about 25 of his ‘apostles’ to the Lakeland revival for the purpose of endorsing, anointing & ‘commissioning’ Todd Bentley and to proclaim him as the number one revivalist of the century! The only thing missing was a crown. He was called as ‘God’s’ number one man of the hour. Bob Jones (Todd Bentley’s spiritual ‘portal to the Third Heaven’ mentor) sent ‘a word’ that ‘the poison’ against Todd Bentley would end last night. Yes one more false prophecy in the books that will be quickly, collectively forgotten by the Charismatics. One of the ‘apostles’ prophesied that God has called Bentley to open the ‘Portals’ (magical stargates to the ‘Third Heavens’) in every city around the world. One of there main stated goals of this movement is the opening of the ‘Northern Star Gate to the Nations’.

We will be talking about this concept at length in this teaching. Another prophet related that he knew when Todd went through his ‘dark night of the soul’. And who will ever forget Stacy Campbell’s devil manifesting her powerful Kundalini spirit to prophesy over Todd and lay her hand on his stomach to impart the Kundalini serpent devils to him? Click below to watch this ‘commissioning’ & demonically possessed ‘Prophetess Stacey Campbell’:
CHARISMA Magazine | 6/24/08 |’Leaders Commission Todd Bentley at ‘Lakeland Outpouring’… The special service was billed by leaders as one of the greatest moments in revival history. ‘C. Peter Wagner said to Bentley on the platform: ‘This commissioning represents a powerful spiritual transaction taking place in the invisible world.’

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