Newsletter: Health Updates and Red Alerts: 9-11-19

NASA admits that climate change occurs because of changes in Earth’s solar orbit, and NOT because of SUVs and fossil fuels

Climate change hoax COLLAPSES as new science finds human activity has virtually zero impact on global temperatures –

Map shows the cities where deadly 5G cell towers are being rolled out… do you live in one of these?

Cities Are Saying ‘No’ to 5G, Citing Health, Aesthetics—and FCC Bullying

Giant 5G Drones in Hawaii Skies? Pushback is Growing…

5G Crackdown? More and more concerned citizens are asking tough questions about the safety of 5G wireless networks. Are big tech companies trying to quash their dissent? ACTION ALERT!

Bioweapons experiments have unleashed another Ebola outbreak in Africa… and the WHO is panicking

Flesh-Eating Bacteria Attacks Those With Excess Iron

The West Coast is a literal toilet: 80% of coastal areas infected with toxic feces (biosludge), warns Dr. Drew

Top 4 natural remedies for skin cancer the FDA does NOT want you using: Part I

Fukushima: Japan Will Dump Radioactive Water Into Pacific, Minister Says; Six years ago during bid for the games, the prime minister, Shinzo Abe, assured the international community that the situation was ‘under control’ This is certainly not the case! 

Autistic Four-Year-Old Kidnapped by the State of Texas

Medical bombshell: Lead exposure kills 412,000 Americans a year… here’s how exposure happens

JAMA admits FLUORIDE causes brain damage

Can’t Sleep Try These Natural Sleeping Pill Alternatives!

Contaminated food from China now entering the U.S. under the ‘organic’ label

4 Best Ways to Remove Age Spots Naturally


Shingles vaccine responsible for causing huge number of shingles cases, vaccine injuries…

Shingles vaccine made with pig gelatin, MSG and residual components of human DNA…
Thousands damaged by shingles vaccine are trying to sue Merck –

The Product That Should Be Hydrating Your Chapped Lips Could Be Poisoning You

EAT COAL! Probiotics supplement manufacturer “Safer Products of Montana” uses 10 ppm lead “leonardite” ingredient (oxidized lignite coal); tries to silence Natural News with lawsuit to hide the truth about their deceptive products

Probiotics sold by found to contain hazardous levels of lead and aluminum, toxic elements that cause neurological damage

Vitamin K reduces calcification of arteries by 37 percent; blood thinner medications increase calcification…

How To Get Rid of Milia at Home – Safe, Easy & Scar Free

Shocking Connection: 97% of all Terminal Cancer Patients Previously Had This Dental Procedure…

Here’s Why You Should Leave a Coin in the Freezer Before Leaving the House

Lifting Weights As You Age Cuts Your Risk Of Early Death By 46%

Scientists Use Smartphone to Control Drug Delivery to Brain

How To Heal Your Eyesight Naturally

Here’s Why You Should Start Your Day With Raw Garlic And Water


Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher : Gwen Olsen Gwen Olsen was a top ranked pharmaceutical rep and was very good at her job.  She was told how to influence the doctors to start prescribing new drugs.  She never once exceeded her marketing budget.  She would buy doctors gifts, pay for meals, happy hours buy 500 boxes of Girl Scout cookies and slap her drug stickers on it and still couldn’t come close to spending her monthly budget!  She tried her best to exhaust her monthly expense account but never could!  

Where Does It End? New ‘Monarch’ Brain Device Approved for ADHD

Men Who Can Do More Than 40 Push-Ups Far Less Likely To Develop Heart Disease – Study Finds

Glastonbury + 5G = Nosebleeds, Migraine & Insomnia

One Episode of Binge Drinking Can Alter Your Sleep Genes

From: Bill
Sent: Sunday, September 1, 2019 9:05 PM
To: Dr  Scott Johnson
Subject: Re: Thank you!

Need to re-stock up-  B Complex-120 tabs  Magnesium- 120 tabs  Hawthorne- 60 tabs   Palmetto- 120 tabs   Biocardiozyme- 120 tabs   Cytozyme- 60 tabs    Cardioliquitrophic- 5 bottles Just had a full on Physical…My numbers were ridiculous…My Dr just laughed they were so incredible…Smashing work as always. You just keep getting better. Thank You!!


From: BARBARA K [mailto:barb…]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 8:54 PM
To: Scott Johnson
Subject: Invive Order

Dear Dr. Scott: Thank you for your help, I received my Invive silver order today…We are so grateful to you for your Bible studies and website and all the knowledge you have supplied  to us on health benefits of  Invive silver, we wouldn’t know anything about Invive silver if it wasn’t for you. It has helped our family, so many times over the past years, when we needed to use it. We pray God’s Blessings upon you & your ministry and all the people at Invive!

Invive Mild Silver Protein:  The Ultimate Immune System Product For Colds, Flu’s and Infections.  Website: For More Information Click Here
The March 1978 issue of Science Digest, in an article, ‘Our Mightiest Germ Fighter,’ reported: . . . “An antibiotic kills perhaps a half-dozen different disease organisms, but silver kills some 650. Resistant strains fail to develop.”
“Colloidal Silver . . . killed every virus that was tested in the lab,” UCLA Medical Center

Dr. Johnson’s Presentation Colloidal Silver-Mild Silver Protein it’s uses and history
Colloidal Silver-Mild Silver Protein it’s uses and history. The Truth About Electrically Produced Liquid Silver & Silver Generators–Learn the Difference Between Ionic Silver and True, Colloidal Silver Invive Mild Silver Protein: The Ultimate Immune System Product For Colds, Flu’s and Infections:

From: David
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2018 12:13 PM
Subject: Intramax
Good Sir, After using the Intramax I ordered, my bride and I have seen much improvements over a wide list of issues big and small.
Please consider this another order for two more bottles. 
Very Respectfully, SSG RET. David….

From: tgifyukon
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2016 5:32 AM
To: Scott Johnson
To let you know how the intraMAX has helped me: The intraMAX 415 works wonders for alleviating all of the symptoms brought on my brain lesions. It also has completely eliminated my heart murmurs that I was born with. Whenever, I run out of intraMAX, the aforementioned symptoms start manifesting. Scott, thanks for everything! God bless!

intraMAX 2.0: The Only 415 Ingredient, Liquid, Organic, ALL-IN-ONE Health Supplement Why take a handful of pills several times a day? In just a one-ounce daily dose, intraMAX 2.0 contains 415+ ingredients, including multivitamins, trace and macro minerals, prebiotics, antioxidants, digestive enzymes, fruits, vegetables, essential fatty acids, amino acids, and much more!- Vegetarian – Natural Peach Mango Flavor
++For More Information or how to order just contact Dr. Johnson at:

Free Gift–Salvation and the True Gospel