Newsletter: Health/Christian Updates & Red Alerts: 5-31-20
STAGED RACE WAR! Globalists Inflaming Racial Tensions After Heinous COVID-19 Crimes Exposed
How the “Conspiracy Theory” meme is being used to cover up OPERATION COVID-19 and advance COVID-1984
Hundreds Of Doctors Call On President Trump to End “Mass Casualty Incident” Lockdowns Nationwide
The Risks vs. Benefits of Face Masks- There is an Agenda
Mass Vaccination is Not Enough; Get Certified by Bill Gates and Fauci
Volunteer experienced severe 103 F fever after receiving experimental coronavirus vaccine
Roads Closed as Californians Protest Lockdown
Sheriffs: We Took An Oath To The Constitution, Not to Governors & Lockdowns – YouTube
Baltimore pastor rips up cease-and-desist letter mid-sermon: ‘We’re gonna do it God’s way!’
Protesters hang effigy of Kentucky gov…
Japan Ends Coronavirus Emergency With 850 Deaths and No Lockdown
Send this NOTICE of NON-CONSENT to say NO to the “Big Brother” bill (HR 6666) and preserve YOUR RIGHTS!
Husband of ReOpenNC leader says he’s ‘willing to kill people’ to fight govt control…
Coronavirus: Test and trace system kicks off in England – Covid-19
Obama CDC Boss Who Admired China’s Response Put in Charge of Contact Tracing
Totalitarianism has crossed over from theoretical to daily life “Something has changed in America since the Great Coronavirus Panic of 2020 began. Something is different. Worse than previous political disagreements, but hard to define. The tyranny of the left has transitioned from theoretical or intangible into the physical world”
Madagascar Threatens to Quit World Health Organization for Suppressing COVID-19 Cure
India and China Move In More Troops as Border Tensions Rise
Virginians can now be jailed for a year for attending church services with 10 people
Suicides Outpacing Coronavirus Deaths in California
NJ Health Dept shuts down defiant gym…
Patients Experiencing Delirium, PTSD; Constant Worry Over Virus…
Trial lawyers get ready for endless lawsuits…
Mississippi Church Suing on Restrictions Burns Down…
Biggest Monthly Jump in Mortgage Delinquencies — in History!
In swing through Michigan, Trump to find record unemployment, record floods, record deaths…
Man accused of shooting cook over face mask…
Vaccine Chief Has Vast Ties to Drug Industry, Posing Possible Conflicts…
YES! African Leaders Stand Up To WHO and Bill Gates! Tanzania & Madagascar
The president of Madagascar in turn is advocating a local herbal product. This plant has been in use for centuries like quinine and is effective for the deadliest form of quinine resistant malaria. If the quinine derivative HCQ is effective for Covid-19, artemisia may have the potential to be more so.
Florida Health Department manager forced to quit after being told to HIDE coronavirus data
New York nursing homes now a “slaughterhouse” for elderly coronavirus patients
Judge rules that Oregon virus restrictions are invalid
NOT AGAIN! Over 100 Million in China’s Northeast Face Renewed Lockdown…
City shut in second wave…
Trump vaccine czar makes $3.4M windfall as firm reports progress on shot…
May 18: New Jersey Police DECLINE to Enforce Governor’s Shut-Down Order
Beyond Evil but horrible audio quality: Oregon Salon Owner Faces New America – Tyranny – Fines, Intimidation, CPS Threat, License Revoke
Michigan Satanist/Governor Whitmer Says State Police “Monitoring All The Conversations” Around Lockdown Protests
Feds Buy Riot Gear, Increase Security Funding, Citing Pandemic…
Crowd faces off with NJ police as gym tries to reopen…
De Blasio declares anyone swimming at beach will be taken out of water…
Wisconsin Governor’s Stay-At-Home Order Struck Down By State Supreme Court
Smashing Eggs, Dumping Milk: Farms Waste More Food Than Ever…
Planned Parenthood Officials Admit Under Oath To Engaging In Business Transactions For Fetal Organs
We want to bring to your attention two important Action Alerts related to the coronavirus:
ACTION ALERT–H.R. 6666, or the “COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act,” threatens to impose a “Big Brother” surveillance state in the name of protecting the public health. This bill appears to be an attempt to force us and our children to accept wireless tracking, unproven vaccinations and, it strongly appears, creepy biometrics. Take Action: Click the button below to read more, and use the suggested letter to legislators to make your voice heard! TAKE ACTION NOW!
ACTION ALERT–From our allies at the Alliance for Natural Health: People are getting sick and dying. We cannot afford to ignore natural treatments that can save lives during and beyond this pandemic. This is the moment to bring this message to every legislator in America, both in Congress and at the state level. Will you help us do this? If every reader of this message takes action now, we can get legislators’ attention. This is the moment. Please help us. Take Action: Send a message to your state and federal representatives, telling them that there are vitally important nutritional strategies to deal with COVID-19. Please send your message immediately. TAKE ACTION NOW
A long time listener did this, excellent: Joel Osteen Exposed
Creepy Joe Biden Hair Sniffing & Groping Compilation
Biden accused of inappropriate touching
Reptilian Files: YouTube “Truther” Shill Brian
Ryan Seacrest’s Reptilian “Stroke”
As the Battle Rages On In Politics, Trey Gowdy’s Eyes Go Reptilian
Mary-Kate (Ashley?) Olsen in the Reptilian Files
Reptilian Woman Needs McDonald’s (Human Meat)
Straight From the Luciferian Codex Files: Billy Graham Glitching
The Devil’s Kenneth Copeland Suit
Islam Is Pure Evil!!!–Hidden crime affecting hundreds of women | 60 Minutes Australia
Alan Dershowitz: Sure I Got a Massage at Jeffrey Epstein’s Mansion, but I Kept My Underwear On Welp, welcome to the slippery sleazy slope that comes with billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s recent arrest for child sex trafficking. Internet sleuths have uncovered a 2015 video of Harvard attorney and Epstein’s friend, Alan Dershowitz, who worked to get Epstein a sweetheart deal in a 2008 plea agreement, admitting to getting a massage at Epstein’s mansion. During an interview with Miami news station WPLG regarding Britain’s Prince Andrew (another friend of Epstein) and his alleged sexual involvement with an underaged girl who was allegedly kept as a sex slave by Epstein, Dershowitz not only bashed the accuser, calling her an “admitted prostitute and a serial liar” but claimed that the then-teen was not victimized and in fact “made her own decisions in life.”
From: Patricia
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 6:37 PM
Subject: On the subject of Jeffery Epstein and young girls….One of the problems is young girls, and I am including girls from Christian families here, is they are not clearly and unequivocally taught that fornication is a sin, one of the most serious sins in God’s eyes. They are not taught that they will be targeted by men young and old. They are not taught that they have the responsibility, to guard their chastity, be careful where they go, be careful who they are with, not to be alone with men (who ARE strong enough to force you), not to go somewhere they don’t already have an exit strategy for, that does not involve any of said men (should things go south), and most importantly they are not taught to say NO, to escape, or if no option is left to fight, if it came down to it, and are not clearly taught the effects of drugs and alcohol on the body, and the fact that these substances can be a tool in a predators hands in coercing sex out of someone who would not consent otherwise.
Not going certain places, not consuming drugs or alcohol, and having the ability to say NO to pears AND ADULTS is the key thing.
The fact is none of these women were abducted. They all went voluntarily. They were all tested TO SEE HOW COMPLAINT THEY WERE and every one of them were all too compliant. Then and only then did the the conditioning and brain washing began in earnest.
The easiest and most effective way to protect yourself as a woman is by saying NO. Many women have trouble doing this. They worry excessively they will hurt someone’s feelings. You don’t have to do it well at first, you just need to say no, you need to practice doing this, and you will eventually learn to do it smoothly and politely later on.
From: Alyssa Williams
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2020 3:00 PM
Subject: Re: I found your website – I have a question! Hi there, I just wanted to check in following an email I sent last week. I’d noticed this page on your website (, which already has a link to a page on coronavirus in pets !
I wanted to see if you’d be interested in adding a link to Coronavirus: Should We Be Worried About Our Dogs And Cats? to your website. After all, it looks like you care about helping pet parents as much as we do!
Overall, this article’s purpose is to help pet parents make good and educated decisions for their furry friends about coronavirus in pets.With your help, this informative article about coronavirus in pets like: can it spread from humans to cats and dogs and vice versa, and what’s the symptoms of feline and canine coronavirus. Thank you for all that you do!
Have a fantastic day,