Newsletter–End Time Current Events & Red Alerts 9-5-19
Isaiah 26:3 – Thou wilt keep [him] in perfect peace, [whose] mind [is] stayed [on thee]: because he trusteth in thee.
John 16:33 – These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
Bahamas: “People Shooting Each Other for Food and Water”
TAKE ACTION: Tell House Republicans to Oppose ALL Gun Control–House committee to take up gun confiscation bill
Action Alert On Gun Control: Keep Up the Heat on Republican Senators and President Trump!
Red Flag Law Goes Into Effect This Saturday In New York
WALMART to dramatically step back from gun sales…
No more handgun ammunition…
Asking shoppers to stop openly carry…
Strange Things Are Happening on Epstein Island: Drone Footage
President Trump Unleashes “Jade Helm 19” War Games In North Carolina
Sen Graham Wants to Shutdown “Offensive Websites”-Betrayal of the 1st Amendment
Purge 2020: Will Zionists Keep America Great with Jacobin Bloodbath?
Donald Trump’s Evil Perverted Gay Mentor Roy Cohn Gets 2 Documentaries This Fall–One from Granddaughter of Convicted Spies He Sent to Electric Chair Cohn, who destroyed lives and lied about his own life, was the inventor of a kind of obfuscation, a political sleight of hand, that diverted attention from his own incredible misdeeds. Instead of running from scandal, he ran toward it, like a building on fire, and pretended it wasn’t there–These films are going to be a source of displeasure for Trump, who will undoubtedly claim he never knew the despicable fixer–But the video and photo evidence will prove everything
Illegal Aliens in Maryland (and all the other states) Are Raping Juveniles and Teenagers
AMERICAN AIRLINES Launches Facial Recognition To Board Passengers At DFW…
Police gain access to private surveillance video from AMAZON doorbell cams…Hundreds of cities…
UPDATE: APPLE admits retaining Siri audio recordings…
Food Price Rises Cant Be Hidden Any Longer
Ex IRS agent tells it like it is
Major Radio Host Says That Christians Who Are Against Homosexuality Need To Be Killed
Netflix’s abortion support is just the tip of the iceberg
First sanctuary county in America reflects a new pro-life strategy
Kansas library board divided on whether to let sex offenders present at libraries
Hong Kong Protests Against Chinese Facial Recognition & Social Credit Score
Communist Chinese Soldiers Infiltrate Hong Kong Police-VIOLENCE IS ESCALATING!!!
Drone Wars! Could Israel Survive Surprise Attack by Iranian Autonomous Armada?
Florida Man Lost His 2A Rights, Thanks To Red Flag Laws And Mistaken Identity
Over 30,000 scientists say ‘Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming’ is a complete hoax and science lie
Elites Caught in Amazon Wildfire Lie as NASA Confirms ‘Average’ Fire Season
Bill Gates Funding Attempt To Stop Climate Change By Dimming The Sun
Warning Language: Alex Jones Shills for Jared Kushner
Watch “Reach Out And Touch Faith – Exposing Christian Yoga”
Down Syndrome Drag Show Comes To America
Scripted Complaint You Can Use When Calling to Protest a Drag Queen Story Hour
“Maebe A. Girl” Wants To Be The First Drag Queen In Congress
WATCH: Libraries Promoting Transgender Book That Describes A Six-Year-Old “Liking” Oral Sex
Venue Owner Turns Away Down Syndrome Drag Show Amid Exploitation Concerns
“Christian” Pastors Bless Abortion Clinic, Singing “Hallelujah. Bless This Room”
Netflix Show Trashes Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers, Falsely Claims They “Traumatize” and “Trick”
Late-Term Abortionist Advertises Cuddling With Aborted Baby Before Tossing Infant in the Trash
Actress Alyssa Milano: Life Would ‘Lack Great Joys’ Without My Two Abortions
From: Michelle
From: Clint
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2019 7:23 PM
Subject: Prayer Request: Undercover journalists that exposed Planned Parenthood going to trial
- Center for Medical Progress
- Troy Newman, one of three founding board members for the CMP who is also President of Operation Rescue.
- Albin Rhomberg, one of three founding board members for the CMP.
- David Daleiden, project lead and one of three founding board members of the CMP.
- Sandra Merritt, an undercover journalist working with the CMP.
- Geraldo Adrian Lopez, who also worked as an undercover journalist for the CMP.
- Pray against Judge William Orrick (his wife was a donor to Planned Parenthood; he never recused himself; he works for Satan.)