Newsletter: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-4-20
Philippians 2:3-11: Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Breaking News & Prayer Alert–Top Report on Drudge & CNN–As I have been Warning: Trump fighting hard For Satan to get us all vaccinated!:
Lest we forget: Child Molester Jeffrey Epstein’s phone directory from his computer contains 14 phone numbers for Donald Trump, including emergency numbers, car numbers, and numbers to Trump’s security guard and houseman,” the affidavit reportedly claims. It also quotes an interview with Mr Trump, featured in New York Magazine, in which he said: “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it, Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
CDC tells states to prep for vaccines as soon as late October
Finally, CDC Admits Only 9,210 Americans Died FROM Covid19 | Principia Scientific Intl.
#TAKE ACTION TUESDAY — DEFEND YOUR CIVIL RIGHTS To access out all these remedies go to:
City officials in US #palmbeachcounty #Florida served for treason over Covid-19 lockdown
California: Tell Your Senators That Ill-Conceived “Immunity Passports” Won’t Help Us
All Hospitals Declared Free of Covid-19 Patients in Beijing
Group Calls for More Censorship of Natural COVID Treatments The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has called on the FDA and FTC to gag Dr. Joseph Mercola. ACTION ALERT!
COVID: Taxpayers Invest in Pharma Profits Taxpayers are shelling out billions for drugs that don’t work. This has to stop.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Exposed in Africa | #Expose Bill Gates
Finally! Someone in the MSM Exposes Bill Gates
Huge Anti Covid-19 Rally and Speeches
TREASON Charges Served on ENTIRE County Board After Bold Patriot in Palm Beach Has ENOUGH!
Millions March in Berlin / London PLUS Only 6% of C0VlD Deaths actually from C0VlD?
NY Times on Covid-19 Test: “Up to 90% of People Testing Positive Carried Barely Any Virus,” Many Are “Not Likely To Be Contagious”–Widely-used Covid-19 test is “diagnosing huge numbers of people who may be carrying relatively insignificant amounts of the virus,” says NYT The article is only getting attention now because the Times gave it a rather weak headline despite the article turning the entire Covid-19 narrative upside-down, especially as politicians use positive case numbers to justify “mail-in ballots” in the upcoming election as well as the massive lockdowns that have destroyed jobs and disrupted families. It’s almost as if the Times was forced to report on something it didn’t want to because the story is too big to contain, which is plausible given that an increasing number of people know someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 but never appeared outright sick from it.
++Dr. Roberto Petrella Regarding the Coming Covid-19 Shot: ‘It is Going to Be the Most Terrible Vaccine of All’ — Lasted One Minute on YouTube–Watch at: Italian doctor warns about the covid-19 vaccine & plan Dr. Roberto Petrella is a Gynecologist, from the Teramo, in the province of Abruzzo, Italy.This video was uploaded moments ago [August 24, 2020 Ed.] to From Rome.Info Video on YouTube, but was taken down by YouTube within 1 minute. That is how much truth there is in it! Then: Youtube bans public domain video of Dr Petrella
Video Dr vaping in mask – they don’t work
“Corona World” Video Game Lets You Kill the Covidiots! — Propaganda Watch
Apple adds built-in COVID-19 Exposure Notifications to iOS 13.7 – 9to5Mac
Michigan College Unleashes ‘Mandatory’ App to Track Students AT ALL TIMES
COVID-19 Swab Tests Administered By Robots
Pope Francis endorses coronavirus “vaccines for all”
2018 Netflix Cartoon (SMART MARK ZOMBIES) Shows Mark of the Beast / 5G Mind Control Grid!!!
The Fact-Free Lockdown Hysteria
VA Health Commissioner Reportedly Planning to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine When It’s Available
The Average American Thinks 30 Million People Died From Coronavirus in the US
Finally! Someone in the MSM Exposes Bill Gates
Doctor Expresses Concern Over Transhumanism and New mRNA and DNA Vaccine Technology
World Rising Up Against the Lockdowns As Protests Mount — New World Next Week
After Hundreds of Thousands Rally Against Pandemic Measures, Berlin Bans Covid Protests
Delta Air Lines Has Permanently Banned Nearly 250 People From Flying Due To Mask Violations
Germany Imposes Nationwide Fines For Not Wearing Mask
People of Germany and Ireland Join the Massive Protests Against the Lockdowns Across the Planet
Sweden’s Senior Epidemiologist: Wearing Face Masks is ‘Very Dangerous’
++ Q, Many False Prophets, Dave Hodges, Quayle, Alex Jones so many other “Christian” broadcasters state: “Trump Is the Greatest Threat to Globalist Rule” & “As Steve Quayle called him, Donald J. Trump was tagged as “God’s Prosecutor”. Trump wrestled away the mantle of power from the corporate oligarchy to constitutionally-based government…This is why the establishment (America’s corporate oligarchy, the mainstream media and the bankers have all conspired against Trump and the continuing liberties of the America people.”
Washington Post Says Election Will End in Violence Unless Biden Wins Landslide
Sheriff Refuses to Deputize Citizens to Restore Order in Kenosha
“Kenosha Resident Says Police Were Powerless During Monday Night’s Riots”
Wisconsin: BLM Rioters Knock Out a Policeman, Shoot at a Sheriff’s Vehicle, and Cause Millions in Damage (Summary & Story)
Gang Fires Shots at Trump Supporters During Rally in Charlotte
Totally Unprovoked Murders by Black Man but No Mass Media Outrage or Public Outcry at all!!!!: Third victim ID’d, warrants released in Georgetown Co. traffic shooting
Sheriff Praises Second Amendment, Armed Homeowner Who Defended Family from Burglars
Antifa Stalks Owner Of Truck They Destroyed and Vandalize His Home. Driver Could Face Charges For Self Defense. (Summary & Story)
Black Lives Matter & Antifa Terrorize Small Minnesota Town (Summary & Story)
Gang Of Black Teens Rob & Murder North Carolina Girl And Media Is SILENT
Pushing Back on the Narrative of Modern Systemic Racism & White Privilege
“Why don’t you believe me?!” #standwithsophie
Replacing Riots with Revival: Christian Movement Brings Baptism and Worship to Streets of Kenosha
Chinese Gov’t Reportedly Orders Mass Infanticide of Religious, Ethnic Minorities
No Lockdown, No Masks, No Hysteria… NO PROBLEM: Sweden is Living in Glorious Normality
Undercover Investigation – Minneapolis Riot Was Preplanned!!!!
Schools Are Increasingly Turning In Parents to CPS
Tennessee Withdraws Child “Wellbeing” Check Plan After Massive Backlash
Maryland County Admits It Has Not Kept Track of Which Inmates Are Being Released Due to the Pandemic
Ongoing and Multiple Efforts Are At Work Designed to Break Up the United States
The Total Collapse Of Businesses Is Shocking
Laura Loomer Exposed, Shadowgate, QAnon, Alex Jones, Bannon, & more!
“Big Mike” Trends on Twitter Referring to Michelle Obama — Leftists Absolutely Melt Down
17 Facts That Prove The U.S. Economy Is A Complete And Total Disaster Zone At This Point
Cops Strip Search 6 Kids, Including a Toddler, After Mom Took Too Long to Buy Muffins
Asteroid Strike Presents Sinister Opportunity
The Video Freemasonry Doesn’t Want You To See! FEMA Death Camps
Austin, Texas, funds abortion instead of police
Google is Spying On Your Private Conversations & Manipulate Search Results
250,000 Las Vegans Face Eviction Next Month
Smart Door Lock Sold by Amazon, Walmart, and Home Depot Is Easy Pickings for Hackers
NSA Warns Location Tracking Settings on Mobile Devices Are Difficult If Not Impossible to Turn Off
The Tennessee Highway Patrol Are Employees Of Homeland Security
Cascadia Subduction Zone Coming Earthquake–I am HORRIFIED–They Will Have NO CHANCE!
US Marshals find 39 missing children in Georgia in ‘Operation Not Forgotten’
Ninth Circuit Court Strikes Down California’s Unconstitutional High-Capacity Magazine Ban
It’s a Simple Solution In Dealing With Airline Tyranny: DON’T FLY!!!
The CHICOMS Have Troops and the Ability to Cross America’s Northern Border In Force
Legislation Allows Chinese Troops in Canada, Death Squads, Preserving Your Rights w/ Kevin Annett
Social Media Celebrates Child Murder
TED Talk On How Your Smart Devices Know and Share Everything About You — Everything
Dramatic Photos: Desperate For Provisions, Thousands Of Cars Line Up At Texas Food Bank
Venezuela Has Gone Cashless (And That’s Not All)
Inside Jehova’s Witness Rampant and Widespread Ongoing Child Abuse
Cop Arrested for Running Child Porn Network While Patrolling the Streets
White Girl Suspended For Attempt At Defending Herself Against Black Male Attack
America’s Secret: Pornography Has Grown Into a $10 Billion Business
Parent Alert: We Are Living In A Dystopian HORROR Film (2020)
Girl Scout’s Top Honor Awarded to Teen Who Identifies As A Boy
NewsSatanist PedophilesSexualizing children
Mother Finds Stolen Images of Her Baby Daughter on Pedophile Website
You won’t want to speak evil words again after watching this! // 7 DISEASES OF THE TONGUE
1 Hour of Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayer Against Curses and Demons by Evangelist Fernando Perez
Listen: End Time Current Events-9-2-19-Part 4 By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 3, 2019–Table of Contents: Apostle/Pastor Paula White – Her Perverse Life, Scandals, Lawsuits, & Struggles–Evangelical Leader Jerry Falwell Jr is totally cool with Trump’s Playboy Magazine Cover Picture
++ Warning Mature Content and Trump is not innocent like this documentary portrays: Pizza Hell Part 2
Peaches Geldof, Aleister Crowley and the OTO
Greg Locke to Dunkin Donut Worker ‘I’m Going to Kick your Teeth Down your Throat’
Acupuncture, Taoism, Yin/Yang & the New Age Exposed By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 31, 2008
From: Patricia
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2020 8:14 AM
To: Scott Johnson
Subject: What you need to understand about gentrification…. very important for you to understand…..from a the perspective of someone who lived in a city that was 70% black…..I have had a front row seat to watch gentrification take place for many, many years. You need to understand, I have really come to hate it, as it did affect me. By the time I left DC, I could not find any safe affordable housing, nor could I afford to shop in any area that have been fully gentrified. That being said, I did not clearly understand what was going on, until I had a good friend who was black and he was into real estate. Yes, some of those homes are owned by blacks who could not keep up their home. Yes, in some cases those homes are foreclosures and are displacing people who need a home. That being said many, many more of those homes are homes that have been owned for years by black people. We are talking about homes that have been paid for and mortgage free for many years.
Gentrification is not about middle class people buying cheep homes in neighborhoods belonging to low income citizens, muscling the inhabitants out, and fixing them up. That is not how it works. Gentrification is about big builders buying whole blocks of real estate, gutting it, and putting infrastructure there that will attract upper middle class or upper class buyers, high end restaurants, shopping centers, and other amenities, luxury apartments and condos, to induce the upper middle class buyers to buy plots of land or old houses that need to be gutted in the area being gentrified. Now you need to understand there IS an outer zone of the neighborhoods being gentrified, where you can pick up a cheep house, knowing the whole neighborhood will be radically transformed over the course of several years. That is a gamble. You don’t know how long gentrification will take or if it will be fully successful. These buyers are the ones people normally focus all of their vitriol on. Early in the process of gentrification, These contractors/ builders know they are going to make such a killing off the new housing they are going to build, it seems they always build luxury condos and apartments, that they offer way more for these run down houses than any sane buyer would be willing to pay for these homes. So these blacks have made a killing for their home, sell their homes at a huge profit margin, and buy a new and better home, out in suburbia.
Gentrification will transform a neighborhood. It will be unrecognizable, as in beautiful, when they are finished. Gentrification will drive the cost of EVERYTHING not just housing, way, way up. Gentrification is the fuel behind the small efficiency and micro apartment trend. In these big cities, it is unsafe to live in poorer neighborhoods. So people consider living in smaller, and smaller homes that are safe and usually located in gentrified neighborhoods.
From: Patricia Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 10:47 AM
Subject: NZ’s’ PM may be a man….I am 100% certain she is one of those bloodlines. However this video is unbelievable. Keep your eyes on her crotch. BTW, very lean women do have a pubic mound you can see if she is not wearing a heavy duty slip in certain types of dresses. That being said, I have never seen a pubic mound like that….. I am of the opinion she is wearing hip pads in that dress, I have seen other photos of her without them. BTW, if you are going to the trouble of putting on hip pads, why not finish yourself off? I agree with a woman who transvestigated her earlier, a video I can not find now, that this is done deliberately, like an announcement.
From: Julie
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 12:34 AM
Subject: Time For Change: The Irish People Begin to Rise – YouTube Come on Australia! Where are the crowds standing up to this tyrannical government???
Look at Ireland!!! I attended the march “Wake Up Australia” in May and there wasn’t anywhere near a crowd like this. We should all be out there protesting for our children and grandchildren’s freedom! Time For Change: The Irish People Begin to Rise – YouTube “Vaccine Injured Lives MATTER!”
From: Trevor
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 5:20 PM
To: Scott Johnson
Subject: Re: Broken link…Thanks. I found this…
Scott Johnson’s Response: OK so while the information is totally true (see below for the document this person was reading off) somebody used this presidents picture superimposed over the screen (with what they said was his voice) in the background, but that was not his (the president of Ghana’s) voice, but the information is true. So I should of vetted this better.
PDF Download:…
2010 Rockefeller Foundation Document Envisions Pandemic Police State Scenario
PDF Download:…
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 1:01 AM
To: Scott Johnson
Subject: Order etc…Also when I get a chance I’ll share in detail a conversation I recently had with a customer who is a nurse. He said they will be utilizing the military to distribute the vaccines. He was threatened with imprisonment if he didn’t take a TB shot. I also came across another church down here pushing the COVID19 testing. Ebnezer Baptist. The guy “Reverend” Warnock (should be Warlock) is running for Senate. His “ministry” is part of some Progressive Baptist Convention.
++ My Patriot Supply. I looked for more reviews and people are saying this food is inedible. Look at the reviews were they gave it a one star–31%!! On Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 9:16 AM Patricia:
NAME Ian–SUBJECT Praise Jesus–YOUR MESSAGE God bless you Scott. Gets me excited and fired up and really looking forward to the new direction of your ministry in worshipping, praising the Lord and centering in on His word. Been praying you would do this!, some of my favorite teachings like the lineage of Mary and the accuracy of Jesus prophecy and proof of His existence studies, not to forget your life changing “imprecatory prayers” teaching. I pray the Lord will lead you into a Holy Spirit filled and fasted fired up imprecatory prayer part 2 for current events unfolding. We are really looking forward to praying with you, praising the Lord with you and your listeners our brothers and sisters in Christ. We love praying for you, your ministry, your listeners, the body of Christ. I pray we as your listeners will be used by God to bring Him a pile of glory by God smashing the plans of the wicked like a potters vessel with a rod of iron. The thought of going on the offensive in these times makes me take joy in the Lord and praise Him. Love in Jesus name.
P.s my wife watched a study by Derek Prince and how a biblical man and wife’s prayers when in union are very powerful. So we’ve notched it up a gear proclaiming the word of God together, praying together twice a day when we can. We especially noticed the difference of praying the Lords prayer before prayer the “powerful witchcraft prayer”, because we still get flak after that prayer , just a little less flak after the Lords prayer. So we pray the witchcraft prayer twice a day now and then praise God for the flak. God bless