Newsletter: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-24-23
Isa 55:7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
Isa 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
Isa 55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
SWIFT system moves against CRYPTO giants Also see:
Congressman Chip Roy Introduces Bill to Defund WHO
Action ALERT: Ask your congressman to co-sponsor legislation to defund the WHO!
++Petition: “Stop Walgreens and CVS from selling the Abortion Pill” You can read more and sign the petition here
PETITION – Veterans Affairs: Do Not Turn VA Hospitals Into Abortion Clinics
Call on the new Congress to repeal the FACE Act!
New Year Brings New State Legislation and Litigation on Abortion
++From: Sent: Monday, January 23, 2023 11:57 AM Abolition Strategies–Interposition for the preborn Last year, my long-time friend and covenant brother Rusty Thomas published Biblical Strategies to Abolish Abortion. This is a how-to guide on biblically and effectively abolishing abortion… and why we should do so from God’s perspective and not men! Today, I’m proud to announce the launch of the Abolition Strategies digital course! Try it for free or become a partner here:
No One is Talking About Electric Car Deaths, So I Have to – YouTube
Watch: Man Discovers It Takes FIVE DAYS to Fully Charge EV Hummer with the biggest electric vehicle battery on the market
++From: Elaine Subject: BREAKING: Viewers Report Tractor Supply Chicken Feed Is Bad | Food Shortage–Another thing hindering the growth of chickens and producing eggs, is the feed is bad. Wow! Short video- check out the comment section also:
‘SMART’ watches, armbands, devices, phones RADIATION ~ DANGEROUSLY EXPOSE and HARM YOU
Scotland’s Plan to Implement 20-Minute Neighborhoods Nationwide
90% of online content could be ‘generated by AI by 2025,’ expert says
Canada’s euthanasia program sets its sights on children
New York becomes 6th US state to green light human composting law
Actress Jamie Lee Curtis Slammed For Creepy Wall Art Appearing to Show Naked Dead Child in Tote
++From: tracy Sent: Monday, January 16, 2023 3:42 PM Subject: This why….parents should not…let their children be apart of these YMCA clubs
FDA: We Know Better Than Doctors! In a sneaky move, the FDA has extended its power over how doctors can practice medicine. Action Alert!
Cattle Rancher Responds To Report That Livestock We Eat Are Being Injected With Covid Vaccine
Beware of the rain–It Was Done Purposely & Now Everyone Prepare For This Next
++Comment: I tried to warn my listeners about this. The bottom line is all drugs have side effects and this was one of them that the white hat good/guy doctors were pushing heavily during the Covid Scamdemic:
Alarming Ivermectin VS Male Fertility Studies: Big Drops In Sperm Count & Motility! GENOCIDE?!
Ivermectin Toxicity: P-glycoprotein Deficiency (Genetic Or Drug Induced) & Much Worse Ivm Poisoning
Ivermectin Is So Toxic It Kills Most Mosquitoes That Feed On Its Users For 4 Days After?!
Lethal injections: 2-year-old child DIES a day after being injected with COVID and flu vaccines
Tsunami of Vax Deaths in Next Two Years – Dr Betsy Eads
LUCIFERASE to go Into the FOREHEAD or RIGHT HAND! Injected People Emit EMF
Celine Dion was disabled from a KNOWN SIDE EFFECT of the COVID vaccine (99.6% certainty)
Double-Vaxxed, Double-Boosted Woman Tests Positive for COVID 12 Times, Misses 3rd Xmas with Family
mRNA covid injections causing some recipients to experience drastic personality changes: WHY?
CALL FOR WITNESSES NOW OPEN! – National Citizen’s Inquiry OTTAWA: The National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) – a citizen-led inquiry into Canada’s response to COVID-19 – is extending a call to Canadians across the country in search for witnesses. Both expert and non-expert, these individuals are invited to join in nine hearings across the country.
Following release of Pfizer’s latest “booster” covid shots, excess deaths in Japan are up 400%
How Vitamin D Affects Every Organ and Tissue
Why Does Vitamin D Lower Blood Pressure
Hypertension, Vitamin K2, and Vitamin D3 Testimonial
Dr. Rhonda Patrick Goes In Depth on the Benefits of Vitamin D
Lose Belly Fat | How Vitamin D3 Burns Fat | Weight Loss & Your Thyroid
Vitamin D Deficiency & Body Fat: new links w/ Fat Cell Health and Metabolism
10 most common symptoms of vitamin d deficiency in adults
How to Increase Your Vitamin D Absorption?
Vitamin D & Brain Health: How D3 Affects Mood
Symptoms and Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency Explained
Vitamin D3 & Reversing Crohn’s Ebook – by Dr. Joel Gould FYI: The doctor writing this is a Darwin loving evolutionist, but the core info is good–He had Crohn’s and was totally healed.
My Vitamin D Deficiency : A 3-Month Update
The “Vitamin D Sweet Spot” and Its Relationship To Aging
Vitamin K2 Goes Beyond Bone Health
Exposing the links between Calcium, Vitamin K2, and Plaque Buildup in Blood Vessels
Dr. Johnson’s Comment: These are the D3/K2 products Scott Johnson carries: Davinci Labs A.D.K 60 capsules & Bio-DK Caps™ & Innate Response Vitamin D-3 5000IU 60 count caps ++ Note: The links to these products are there for purely informational purposes only, to order contact Dr. Johnson at:
I have talked about Vitamin D-3 in my teachings I posted below:
Transhumanism, DNA, Vaccinations, the Flu Epidemic and Proactive Health Measures:1-13-13–Part 3
2012 End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 1-8-12–Part 4
End Time Current Events & Gulf Updates-9-26-10–Part 1
The DARK World of Women Pastors
“Christian” Psychic Readings and Taro Cards Continue to Grow in Popularity
The Giants of the Solomon Islands and their Hidden UFO Bases
Ancient Floating City Built By Giants – Nan Madol
++County Sheriffs in Illinois are defying the unconstitutional actions of the state. 80 of the 102 counties have now declared their defiance of the so-called “assault weapons ban” in Illinois. The defiance of the sheriffs is an act of interposition and a demonstration of the lesser magistrate doctrine. Governor Pritzker responded to the declarations of the sheriffs in predictable tyrant fashion. The truth is the sheriffs took an oath to uphold the Constitution – they did not take an oath of blithe compliance to Pritzker and the lawless actions of the legislature. Sadly, some of the declarations by sheriffs against the unconstitutional ban are nuanced and weak-kneed. Much stronger language needs to be employed, not to mention stronger resolve. The people better prod their sheriffs to stand in continued interposition against this lawlessness by Governor Pritzker and the state, and assure them of their support in all ways – both publicly and privately – when they do stand. Here is a good declaration of interposition which was sent out by letter from dozens of county sheriff offices in Illinois which used the same wording, just on their letterhead. Many sheriffs are banding to together to stand in defiance of this unconstitutional act by Pritzker and the legislature. It is the revolt of the lesser magistrates – and it is sorely needed in America. Here at Defy Tyrants we desire to send a copy of the book by Pastor Matt to each of the sheriffs who have declared their interposition. You can give to this effort by clicking here. Please note that it is for the sheriff’s campaign.
++Scam City: Jerusalem – The Dark Truth about the Sacred Sites of the Holy City<<Get your red Kabbalah string cursed bracelet for a donation to the temple mount scammers!!!
Jhn 2:13 And the Jews’ passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem,
Jhn 2:14 And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting:
Jhn 2:15 And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables;
Jhn 2:16 And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise.
Rom 3:18 There is no fear of God before their eyes.
++From: Aimee Date: On Friday, December 16th, 2022 at 12:16 PM Subject: Re: Emergency Freedom Alerts Newsletter: 12-15-22–So glad to see this article: Dark side of Ultrasound–I’ve been so concerned about this for years and can’t believe how this is not questioned enough! I had to keep silent when my nephew’s wife 2 years ago got her 2nd ultrasound and the doc said her baby had cancer. What!!?So my nephew/and wife decided to abort. I’m convinced that cancer is so rare in fetus development and my side of family has zero cancer incidents (die of heart disease mostly) that I’m aware of. I felt the supposed diagnosed cancer was due to the ultrasound first being done.
So many factors could be:
- too strong machine
- at stage critical in cell development
- held too long over the baby
the glorification of ultrasound on tv shows/movies erks me to no end–false romanticism I am glad that some may help mothers not have abortion but other than that what a stupid thing. That and early childhood waxcines—can’t believe it’s 34 years since I went through all the education with having my son and still with internet………!!! now, people won’t research. I had to practically fight to have homebirth and no vax. All went well and then stinkin PKU test which midwife at home said she had to do or she would loose her license (didn’t see that one coming–but was well aware 1990 it was for baby DNA data base) Rambling on & I know you know all this– but this whole “business” with the innocent just so difficult to keep watching.
++From: Rob Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2022 9:07 AM To: Scott Johnson Subject: Brother Scott: a few quick questions and other thoughts Hello brother Scott! I just wanted share a few words of encouragement with you. I have listened to your broadcasts week after week for a very long time and I have to tell you what an excellent ministry you truly have. I praise and thank God for you brother! I can’t even tell you how much God has taught and revealed to me through you! In fact, your broadcasts are like you say a one stop shop. That is how thoroughly, responsibly, and diligently you cover bible topics and world events. Please know that you are making a difference!
++From: Danny Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2022 1:39 PM To: Scott Johnson Subject: Shapeshifters–I came across a convincing video that actually shows people shapeshifting into reptilians and other nonhuman entities, and how they use it to disguise their true appearance and sinister agendas. Here it is:
++Levi Price Warning–Here is a guy that spent time with Levi Price and comes off as 100% more credible and humble than Levi. Levi made at least two videos attacking him when all this guy wanted to do is walk away, but Levi (who sounds totally unteachable) had to make sure he was totally discredited. Levi Price False Teacher – The Jeremy Carter Interview
Levi Price EXPOSED
Unlearned Levi Price
Levi Price the reprobate EXPOSED, again!
The Unscrupulous False Teacher Levi Price
++From: Michael Sent: Sunday, January 1, 2023 7:25 AM Subject: Wackiest Trump prophet yet.. Hi Scott, I don’t think you have covered this guru who claims to be a Christian prophet, though I may be wrong. Jim Bakker has had him on his show and he seems to have a huge following. A former Rhema friend who I couldn’t lead away from charismania RECOMMENDS the video which Sean critiques! So he must take this guy seriously. I think all Pentecostal “prophets” are shamans and gurus, so I think this guy is a false convert and his Hindu familiar spirits are simply masquerading now as Christ and the Holy Spirit. Like many NAR leaders, this guru claims endless visions of Jesus and trips to Heaven etc. But this one involving Trump having a trip to Heaven at the same time and being seen at some Heavenly meeting with Abraham exceeds even the crazy visions of Kat Kerr. The fact that my old friend Rocky (who seems to see himself as an online pastor for the disgruntled who have given up on church) promotes this obvious fraud and liar reveals to me how far gone he is. He sees himself as a prophet, too. He had a dream I was with him speaking in tongues after I gave him all the reasons why Pentecostalism is a false restoration movement. It’s sad that he is so engulfed by deception and leading others into error. He seems to promote crypto currency and link it with Christ. No, I don’t recall any verses with Christ talking about crypto either. I am sure the Antichrist is all for it though! I trust all is well with you and Taylor, Mike &
++On Tue, Jan 3, 2023, at 5:10 PM Joanna… wrote: Totally agree, please stop apologizing for these silly women laden with sins and obvious sons of the devil. Thank you. It is tiresome and difficult so hearing you whom I can agree with is great thing. Praise God. Thank you Joanna