J.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, The Inklings, Narnia & the Golden Dawn-Part 2

J.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, The Inklings, Narnia & the Golden Dawn-Part 2

In this teaching we will start out by first discussing many of the occult details and facts regarding both J.R. Tolkien’s ‘Lord of the Rings’ books/movies and then C.S. Lewis’s ‘Narnia’ books/movies.

During the 1930’s to 1940’s both Tolkien and Lewis were part of an informal literary discussion group associated with the ‘University of Oxford’ & known as the “Inklings”. C. S. Lewis called Charles Williams (Fellow “Inkling”, specialist in Tarot and Kabbalah & a man whose mind was steeped in occult rituals and demonic forces) ‘his dearest friend.’ This close friendship made a large impact on Lewis and his writings. C. S. Lewis wrote of Williams poems: ‘They seem to me… for their profound wisdom, to be among the two or three most valuable books of verse produced in the century.’ Charles Williams was also a member of the ‘Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn’.

There are many that assert that both Tolkien and Lewis were closet members of the Golden Dawn. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was a amalgamation of Freemasonry (Babylonian mystery religions), Theosophy (An Satanic/occult religious philosophy combined with metaphysics, started by a high level witch named H. P. Blavatsky), Eliphas Levi’s Teachings (A high level black magic occultist), Enochian Magic (an elaborate system of advanced, Satanic, ceremonial magic), The Kabbalah (The highest level of Jewish witchcraft) and medieval grimoire (a manual of black magic for invoking spirits and demons). Regarding the Order of the Golden Dawn, among its first initiates was a coroner who allegedly performed necromantic rites, while another early member was black magician Aleister Crowley, the self styled Great Beast/666.

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PDF: CS Lewis Warning