Is Obama The Antichrist? Part 1
Is Obama The Antichrist? Part 1
11/16/2008 & 11/23/2008
Obama has certainly run a Messianic type Presidential campaign and has been called a ‘Messiah’ by Muslim leader L. Farrakhan. Are we witnessing the public coming to power of the Antichrist? The key question to resolve here is: Is Obama “Thee Antichrist” or just “a antichrist”. Matthew 24 and key prophecies in Daniel are key passages if we are to understand this issue.
In this teaching we will be taking an extensive biblical look at the signs leading up to & through the tribulation, the rebirth of modern day Israel, an in depth, faith building look at the genealogies of Mary (Luke 3) and Joseph (Matthew 1) & how this relates to where the Antichrist will most likely stake his claim to his genetic line of ascension. This is important because according to the Bible (Isaiah 9:7) the coming Messiah will have to prove his lineage back to King David. The prophecy says: “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever…” (Isaiah 9:7). The Antichrist will most likely claim his genealogy through Solomon to David, for many reasons high level Masons & occultists know all too well. Some of the ancient Sanhedrin believed that King Solomon was the Messiah. This error (in part) led them to reject Jesus Christ as the Messiah.
Today, the same false belief will most likely lead many Jews to receive the Antichrist as a possible 2nd coming of Solomon which has been masterminded by Illuminati and will be fullfilled by the coming Masonic/Merovingian False Christ.
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