End Time Current Events: 9-28-14 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 9-28-14 — Part 3

Table of Contents:

• Muslims shouting ‘Praise Allah’ surround Oklahoma cops after a press conference on the beheading in Oklahoma
• Fired Muslim Oklahoma City nursing home worker threatened beheading of women, police say
• Obama Praised Muslim Cleric who Endorsed Fatwa Against American Troops…
• Muslim Day Parade in NYC with Guns, Hanged and Caged Women
• Special Report: Obama Wants Amnesty For Murderers And Rapists
• U.S. Immigrant Population Hits All-Time High at 41.3 million
• At least 40,000 illegal aliens vanish into USA just recently…
• Feds to build fourth residential center for border crossers in TX…
• DREAM: Harvard grants illegal full scholarship…
• Network of churches provide sanctuary to illegal aliens…

PDF: End Time Current Events 9-28-14

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