Table of Contents:
- Introducing the: http://bereantruthseeker.media-toolbar.com/
- Hidden Luciferians in American culture, politics, academia…and in the Christian community.
- Be Wise As Serpents – by Fritz Springmeier
- Warnings Regarding: Anderson, Neil; Arthur, Kay; Blue, Ron; Bonhoeffer, Dietrich; Bright, Bill; Briscoe, Stuart & Jill; Burkett, Larry; Campolo, Tony; Cho, Paul (David) Yonggi, Collins, Gary; Colson, Chuck; Copeland, Kenneth; Crabb, Larry; Dobson, James; Engstrom, Ted; Ezzo, Gary; Falwell, Jerry; Foster, Richard; Gothard, Bill; Graham, Billy; Hagee, John; Hagin, Kenneth; Hanegraaff, Hank; Hayford, Jack; Hendricks, Howard; Hinn, Benny; Hocking, David; Horton, Michael; Howard-Browne, Rodney; Hunt, Dave; Hybels, Bill; Hyles, Jack; Jakes, T.D.; Jeremiah, David; Kennedy, D. James; Kroll, Woodrow; LaHaye, Tim & Beverly; Laurie, Greg; Levitt, Zola; Lewis, C.S.; Lindsey, Hal; Lovett, C.S.; Lucado, Max; Luther, Martin; McCartney, Bill; McDowell, Josh; MacArthur, John; MacDonald, Gordon; Mains, David & Karen; Matzat, Don; Maxwell, John C.; Meyer, Joyce; Minirth, Frank & Meier, Paul; Moon, Sun Myung; Osteen, Joel; Packer, J.I.; Palau, Luis; Parsley, Rod; Peale, Norman Vincent; Peck, M. Scott; Peretti, Frank; Rainey, Dennis; Robertson, Pat; Robison, James; Ross, Hugh; Schaap, Jack; Schuller, Robert; Seamands, David; Smalley, Gary; Smith, Chuck; Solomon, Charles; Sproul, R.C.; Stanley, Charles; Swindoll, Charles; Warren, Rick; Wildmon, Donald; Wimber, John; Yancey, Philip; Ziglar, Zig
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Hidden Luciferians in Christian Culture—Part 1-2