End Time Current Events-12-23-19-Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • URGENT: New GMO Threat From Trump! The Trump administration has recently taken several steps that threaten to stop regulating GMOs entirely!
  • America collapses into a PHARMA state, run by “legal” drug cartels
  • And Now In the USA…Get Vaccinated or No Driver’s License!!—It Starts in New Jersey-Coming to the Rest of the Country if no Pushback
  • Illegals and their supporters have now taken over in New Jersey without a fight–Why is there so much apathy and inaction under the Trump term?
  • N.J. Assembly passes bill to bar religious exemption for vaccines; bill stalls in Senate–For hours, loud chants from opponents disrupted the state Senate session, with protesters shouting, “We do not consent,” and “In God we trust.”
  • Whole Country of Samoa On Lockdown to Mass Vaccinate the Whole Populace!!!! Door-to-door vaccination drive in Samoa after 62 supposed measles-related Deaths

PDF: End Time Current Events 12-23-19

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