End Time Current Events: 11-4-12–Part 1
End Time Current Events: 11-4-12–Part 1
Table of Contents:
- HAARP Engineering ‘FRANKENSTORM’ Hurricane Sandy – CAUGHT on SATELLITE and RADAR!
- Hurricane Sandy Under Aerosol Geoengineering by DHS to Modify Intensity and Land-fall?
- Alternative Media fails to report on aerosol/electro-magnetic engineering of Sandy
- The Engineered Storm of The Century
- How Nexrad HAARP Works: Turning Natural Storms into Biblical Flood
- Obama Ordered DHS to Control Hurricanes
- New Jersey Contracted RFID Evacuee Tracking Tech Just Days Before Sandy Formed
- Obama Campaigns In Vegas While Storm Victims Rummage Through Garbage Dumpsters For Food
- Obama Ignores Question About Storm Victims’ Frustrations…
- Sandy Death Toll Rising
- ‘Finding Bodies Left And Right’ It’s Far Worse Than The Media Is Portraying Says ‘Sons Of Anarchy’ Star
- In New York’s Public Housing, Fear Creeps In With the Dark
- 2.5 million still without power…
- Temps dip into the 20s…
- 2-mile line for gas on Staten Island…
- Restaurant, hotel prices skyrocket…
- Residents arm up: Bats, machetes, shotguns…
- It’s like the Wild West’: Lawlessness and fear take over the outer boroughs as they enter sixth day without power
- ODD-EVEN: NJ counties enact Carter-style gas rationing…
- FEMA Out of Water Until Monday, Failed to Plan Ahead
- Jersey Shore & other areas Declares Martial Law
- Video: Feds Lie, People Die in Hurricane Sandy Aftermath
- See Scott Johnson’s Preparedness, Survival & Pandemic Teachings all Posted in One Place
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