End Time Current Events: 1-10-10-Part 1

End Time Current Events-Part 1

Teaching Overview -In this study we will be covering the following topics:

Startling new video is revealing that the CIA created al-Qaeda prior to the attacks of 9/11
Who is getting filthy rich over all these new airport naked body scanners?
New airport scanners break child porn laws
Canada ordered airline scanners months ago
CAMC set to fire employees who do not get flu vaccine by end of Friday
Maitreya’s Star
Review of recent live Benjamin Creme interview
A “Christian” review of Avatar
Satanic Sacrifices? A Million In US To Go Missing In 2010
Rick Warren takes in $2.4M after donations plea
Unincorporated Associations Are Not Unregistered New Testament Churches
Warning – Todd (Fox) Bentley – Trying to return
Reading through the King James Bible
New Blasphemous “Christian” Rock Band Children 18:3

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 PDF: End Time Current Events 1-10-10