Emergency Freedom Alerts: 10-28-24-Part 2
Table of Contents:
- Jews supposedly didn’t kill Jesus – US House of Representatives Lawmakers have broadened the definition of anti-Semitism in the latest legislation: Could convict Christians of antisemitism for believing the Gospel that says Jesus was handed over to Herod ……
- Bible Verses on How Israel / The Jews Killed Jesus
- Israeli military demands removal of dead soldier’s Christian headstone Officials have said displaying a cross in the cemetery is offensive to the relatives of Jewish troops laid to rest nearby
- Audio–Scott Johnson’s Teaching: The HEXagram, the Mark of the Beast & the Hebrew Roots Connection-Parts 1 & 2 September 23rd, 2007
- What Does The Bible Say About The Jews (or any other race) Being Better Than Another?
- What is the Ultimate Agenda of the ‘Synagogue of Satan’
- Trump is Totally Surrounded and Owned by Kabbala Loving, Synagogue of Satan Zionist Jews
- Mossad Blackmail- Israel Has Trump right where they want him Donald Trump Controlled By The Mossad — Parts I-III
- Trump is a Kabbalist–“One day, when my Kabbalah teacher Eitan Yardeni asked how I was doing….”—Donald Trump, Trump: The Way to the Top Published May 18, 2004
- Previous: Trump meets with Christ hating Chabad rabbis in Oval Office
- What is the Main Goal and True Definition of Zionism–I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our control Commissions will, in the interest of peace and wiping out our interracial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with white. The white woman must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory.
- Donald Trump is Zionist inside and out, as perhaps BEST proven by this 19 min video–Banksta’s Paradise & Donald Trump
- Democrats Are Actively Stealing The 2024 Election and Are Publicly Announcing Plans to Trigger Civil War & Martial Law – Emergency Report
- Homeland Security has a large scale cyber-attack simulation targeting our nation’s critical infrastructure planned for.. planned for election day!
- IMPENDING MARTIAL LAW ALERT: America Is In An Undeclared War With The Globalists Who’ve Already Set In Motion A Plan To End The American Republic Within Weeks
- Financial Armageddon Federal Regulators Brace for Massive Bank Failures as Billionaire Investors Dump Banking Stock at Record Levels
- Demonic Governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina just confirmed that Certain Areas won’t be Rebuilt and they’re Buying Out Entire Communities Affected by “Climate Change”—This was all preplanned just like Maui / Lahaina Hawaii!
- North Carolina Hurricane victims, it keeps getting WORSE! Unknown illnesses Cadaver dogs & horses dying, and of course the wealthy buying it all up BEFOREHAND
- Western NC Mountains Medical alert: Please wear a mask while cleaning up in the disaster zone–I keep getting sick we don’t want to find out 5 years from now we should not have been breathing this dust
- FEMA Plan For Coming Outbreak (possibly in North Carolina) & Quarantine Of Americans Exposed
- Multiple FEMA Camps Being Built Around NC Flood Devastation
- Organ Harvesting and the Brain Death Fallacy
- Nightmare–Organ Donor Warning
- Audio: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-24-22-Part 2 By Dr. Scott Johnson | Table of Contents: Receipts: Hospitals Paid to Kill-Providers Incentivized By Feds to Murder Covid Patients–Organ Harvesting A Real Concern—Unvaxxed Organ Donors Better Think Twice About Going to the Hospital!!! Hospitals Killing For Organs “This is Absolutely Evil And A Crime Against Humanity!”–Organ Donor & Transplant Warning–GUTTED ALIVE-MEDICAL DEBAUCHERY AND ORGAN HARVESTING IN OUR HOSPITALS–What You Lose When You Sign That Organ Donor Card — Shocking!
- What You Lose When You Sign That Organ Donor Card — Shocking!
- Why you should not become an organ donor
- Organ Donation Refusal May Save Your Life, by Julie Grimstad
- Something ‘Unholy’ Going On With Organ Transplants? Bizarre Cases Of ‘Soul-Transfer’ Stack Up
- Woman Takes On Teenage Donor’s Behavior After Heart Transplant
- BODY SNATCHERS: The illegal organ harvest trade…Its BIGGER than you think…
PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 10-28-24
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