"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. " Eph. 5:12


The Real ID, the Implantable Microchip and the Mark of the Beast

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 8, 2007

The Real ID, the Implantable Microchip and the Mark of the Beast

In this teaching I will be answering the following
questions submitted by a listener named Craig:
1) Is the Real ID the mark or is it just the first
step to the mark?
2) Is the implantable chip the mark or is it the
second step to the mark?
3) Will tattoos have something to do with the mark
of Revelation 13?
4) Is the Greek word ‘charagma’ referring to a
tattoo? would a tattoo be an etching in the skin?
5) Could the mark be all of these combined into one
6) Does the past i.e., Domitian and Nero’s rule or
the holocaust, tell us anything about the coming mark
of the Beast?
7) If the mark is a tattoo will it be a number
(666), some new age design, some witchcraft
cabbalistic design or will it be something everyone
probably will recognize already?
8) Does the Pope issue this mark to the people
according to Revelation 13?


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PDF: Mark of the Beast-Implantable Microchip RFID

Harry Potter Exposed!

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 1, 2007

Harry Potter Exposed!

external link to jesus-is-savior.com

Tragically many children and teens today are obsessed with Harry Potter and are actively seeking Harry’s power. What exactly is Harry’s power? Where does it come from? In this teaching we will take a closer look at the effects of Harry Potter on this generation. Dan 8:25a speaking of the antichrist says: “And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand…” Well that is exactly what the world is being set up to embrace: Witchcraft. We will also be going over an article published by Christianity Today Magazine entitled “Why We Like Harry Potter”. But Christianity Today is not the only mainstream Christian media source to endorse Harry Potter, among the others are: Chuck Colson, Wheaton College etc. The seduction is virtually complete. Most (if not all) of Christianity’s top leaders have now gone over to the dark side. Many today openly endorse and embrace witchcraft, magic and other devilish arts and devices. Most others, by their marked silence, are now acquiescing and joining in on this ghoulish, latter day’s conspiracy. Taken from the book ‘We Love Harry Potter and We’ll Tell You Why,’ here are a few kids’ ideas: ‘I’d like to go to wizard school, learn magic and put spells on people. I’d make up an ugly spell, and then it’s payback time!’ — Catherine(age 9)’I feel like I’m inside Harry’s world. If I went to wizard school, I’d study everything: spells, counterspells and defense against the Dark Arts.’ — Carolyn(age 10)

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PDF: Harry Potter Exposed

WWIII, Israel & Kabbalistic Witchcraft

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 17, 2007

WWIII, Israel & Kabbalistic Witchcraft

In this teaching we will start by looking at three major pivotal events that just transpired in the Middle East which will most certainly greatly contribute to the start of WWIII. The entire Middle East has just lurched strongly forward toward the planned chaos and regional war which the Illuminati has planned since 1870, in order to produce the final global war which will produce their Antichrist on the world scene. In fact, these three explosive events may have just made this Regional War inevitable. We will then take a Biblical look at the formation of Israel in 1948. It is very important to understand that current day Israel is thoroughly controlled by Politician’s and rabbis that practice the highest form of Jewish mysticism/ witchcraft known as the Kabbalah. We will see how in this week alone Shimon Peres and several rabbis preformed a nationally reported ceremony to remove curses from Vice Premier Peres using Kabbalistic witchcraft. Many professing Christians lose sight of this and blindly support Israel no matter what direction they take, but we need to have Biblical balance in regard to Israel so we can better know how to pray for this situation. Next you will see my response to a Catholic who denied any official Catholic dogma regarding the blasphemous doctrine of “Indulgences” and the worship of “The Virgin Mary”.

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Shroud of Turin-Biblically Debunked

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 10, 2007

Shroud of Turin-Biblically Debunked

In this teaching we will update you on more breaking current events regarding Israel and WWIII. From the Syrian buildup on Israel’s border to the Turkish invasion of Iraq, that was totally unreported in the mainstream media this week. We will also look at how Scalar technology is being used to manipulate the weather in a drastic way. You will see how the Catholics are brainwashed (by their apostate clergy hirelings) that they cannot understand the Bible apart from the heretic priests of the Catholic Church. Will then see how the United Methodist Church just re-appointed a former woman “reverend” as a male “reverend”, after she had a sex change. We will then do a detailed study to totally debunk the “Shroud of Turin” Catholic heresy. You will be amazed at how easily this abomination is Biblically proven a hoax. Lastly we will look at Acts 2: 17-21 which is one of the proof texts Pentecostals use to justify women preachers. Even though this portion of Scripture has NOTHING to do with women preachers, you will be amazed at the true meaning of these verses and how the Bible confirms when this portion of Scripture will primarily be fulfilled. We will also look at Deborah and Jael (in the Old Testament) and see why the Lord had to use these woman in the capacity they were used in.

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PDF: Shroud of Turin

Rev. Falwell, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and The Love of Money

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 20, 2007

Rev. Falwell, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and The Love of Money

In this teaching we will be looking at the ‘fruit’ of some of the most prominent ‘Christian’ figures in America. This list will include: The late Rev. Jerry Falwell, Timothy La Haye ‘Left Behind’, Gary Bauer, Bill Bright, Paul Crouch, Dr. James Dobson, Rev. Billy Graham, Dr. D. James Kennedy, Beverly La Haye, Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson, Rev. James Robison, Phyllis Schlafly, George Bush Sr. and Jr., Dr. Robert Schuller I and II Jerry Falwell. Jesus said by their fruits “ye shall know them”, which is in reference to the fruit of a true Christian as opposed to a pseudo Christian tare. We will be looking at the undeniable documented financial links of the people listed above cult leader Rev. Sun Myung Moon of the Unification Church of Korea. Unbelievably Rev. Moon was actually crowned Messiah and Savior of Earth on March 23, 2004 at the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington D.C, where scores of Christian leaders as well as several U.S. Senators and Representatives met for this very blasphemous occasion. Southern Baptist leaders were on hand, as were Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) President Paul Crouch, Reverend Jerry Falwell, Rev. Robert Schuller, Kenneth Copeland, Pat Boone and many others. Moon claims Jesus failed on his mission to earth but Moon has not. This is one of the largest smoking guns and flagrant moves ever made and condoned by main stream Christian figures and politicians. This information is based on highly referenced, factual evidence.

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Deliver Such An One Over To Satan

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 13, 2007

Deliver Such An One Over To Satan

In this teaching we will start off with a short Bible study regarding the end times by looking at Isaiah 1: 4-9 and Jeremiah 5:23-29. You will see the startling parallels these verses have to modern day America and the apostate churches within her. We will then discuss 1 Corinthians 5 and mandates this portion of Scripture set forth regarding our duty as Christians to judge sin in the church as: “A little leaven, leaven the whole lump”. We will also look at what the Scriptures mean regarding: “Deliver such an one over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh”. Because church discipline is almost non existent in the vast majority of congregations, it has allowed sin to run rampant in the church which in turn has allowed corruption to seep into the church like never before. We will then take a look at some recent end times current events in the most recent edition of the Last Trumpet Newsletter. We will then continue our coverage of the Middle East as a large build up of Islamic military are currently positioning themselves along three of Israel’s borders while VP Cheney is issues ever stronger warnings to Iran regarding an impending war. Then we will look at a recent American proposal to Israel where the US is urging the Jews to give up more of their ever dwindling land to the Islamic Palestinians, and what the implications are for the US every time we pressure Israel to give up more land. We will then look at a shocking piece of news regarding gas prices/shortage.

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Mars, Lord Maitreya, The Ascended Masters & Strong Delusion

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 29, 2007

Mars, Lord Maitreya, The Ascended Masters & Strong Delusion

In this teaching we will be examining a very important tenant of the end time delusion relating to the recently released NASA photos of the surface of Mars (taken from the “Viking Mars Probe”). If you haven’t heard of these photos you really need to listen to this teaching as Satan is setting mankind up for the greatest, seductive delusion the world has ever known.

We will also be exploring how this deception is integrally tied into the emergence of the antichrist and even WWIII. You will be shown how evil figures (who call themselves “Ascended Masters”) are poised to make their emergence most likely in conjunction with WWIII. We will be looking at various “Ascended Masters” by name (ie: Lord Maitreya, Master Jesus Sananda, Master Mary Magda, Ascended Master Mary, etc.) and see who they pretend to represent and what their message is. You will be shocked. We will also see how the Lord Jesus Christ predicted that as in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the son of man. So we will look at what was happening in Noah’s days to discern what to expect in the day and time we are living in.

For most of you this will be the first time you have every heard such information but we will prove that the Bible clearly predicted this end time scenario to be forthcoming. There is much more that is covered in this teaching, so please arm yourselves with this vital knowledge.

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PDF: Maitreya,Mars, Ascended Masters, UFO’s, Disclosure

The North American Union Steamroller

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 22, 2007

The North American Union Steamroller

This teaching will primarily focus on the impending formation of the “North American Union” (NAU). Relating to this subject is the formation a brand new currency called the “Amero” which is slated to replace the dollar when the NAU is fully implemented in 2010. This will also mark the end of U.S. sovereignty as America’s borders will be essentially erased so we can be joined to Mexico and Canada. As we will see from several reputable sources, this information is fact not fiction.

We will also be revealing the plans behind the “Trans-Texas Corridor” & the “North American Super Corridor “(NASCO). We will also be learning how the “Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America” (SPP) was formed to bring much of these draconian measures to pass. This whole scenario will most likely be the last nail in the coffin for the middle class of America, as illegal aliens will no longer be illegal and much of our American work force will become totally obsolete in favor of lower cost labor. Currently President Bush has decided that tens of thousands of Mexican trucks and truckers should be allowed into our country in order to compete against our American Truckers. In less than 3 weeks, they will cross into this country with our President’s blessing and what many are doing to protest this in the U.S. We will also be covering the coming One World Currency called the “Phoenix”.

Lastly we we will be focusing on the recent Hate Crimes legislations to be enacted.

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By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 15, 2007


external link to Lighthouse Trails Research

In this teaching will be examining the much talked about (Oprah, Larry King, etc.) heresy called “The Secret”. Beyond any cursory look at “The Secret”, most discerning Christians will quickly identify this as just one more new age philosophy repackaged to maximally appeal to the masses. This Gnostic doctrine is really just “White Witchcraft” combined with Norman Vincent Peale’s “The Power of Positive Thinking” and the modern day wealth and prosperity preachers “Name it and Claim it”. It’s a sad state of affairs when the secular world is finally catching up to apostate church practices that have been going on for decades. The subtle message of “The Secret” (as well as most of the prosperity preachers) is that if you’re poor, sad, unhealthy, etc., then it must be your own fault because you have let your own thoughts lead you to this existence. We will also be looking at a little known teaching entitled “What ‘The Secret’ doesn’t tell you about ‘The Secret’”, which is yet one more carrot that Satan is dangling in front of the masses that embrace this heresy. This is truly yet one more significant part of the end time delusion that the Bible clearly predicted.

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PDF: Secret Warning

Easter/Ishtar: Paganism Repackaged

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 8, 2007

Easter/Ishtar: Paganism Repackaged

In this teaching we will be focusing on the history of Easter, exploring its disturbing undeniable Pagan roots. To be objective I have endeavored to garner input from not only Christian sources but also Catholic and Pagan sources as well; and as you will see all three sides are in agreement as to Easter’s Pagan origin and history. We will explore exactly when the holiday of Easter was incorporated into the Roman Catholic Church at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD; whereby this practice then started to permeate and leaven many other branches of Christianity.

Of further note we will prove how the date of Easter is always determined by (the Biblically forbidden practice of) Astrology and how its date changes every year as a result. If this were the true date of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, HOW COULD IT CHANGE? We will also be looking at Easters close ties to Pagan goddess known as Ishtar and the specific associations and practices of Easter like: The Easter Bunny, Colored Eggs, Lent, Ash Wednesday, Hot Cross Buns, Spring Break, The Easter Ham, Wicker Easter Baskets, Easter Sunrise Service, Mardi Gras, etc. . . .

Lastly we will explore why only the King James Version translates the Greek word “pascha” to “Easter” (instead of “Passover”) in Acts 12:4; and how this is one more proof of the superiority of the Authorized King James Version.

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PDF: Ishtar Easter